I just bought the lametric and Im suprised there is no valid stock price app. The only one "Stock Charts Plus" does not work with most of the tickers.
I even found out good free API for stock prices (financialmodelingprep.com), but Im not a coder, so I have no idea how to create app for that ?
Any chance someone would create such app or help me with it ?
Také mi taková aplikace chybí
Yes good question, I'd leek to see NasdaQ and few other stock markets with options to add tracking for individual stocks.
I just bought the lametric and Im suprised there is no valid stock price app. The only one "Stock Charts Plus" does not work with most of the tickers.
I even found out good free API for stock prices (financialmodelingprep.com), but Im not a coder, so I have no idea how to create app for that ?
Any chance someone would create such app or help me with it ?
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