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Date Ticker (duration of name/icon date)


I noticed that the Date Ticker is showing the remaining days for a duration of 5 seconds, after this it only shows the name and icon of my date for 1 or 2 seconds.

How to tweak this?

1 person likes this idea


Thanks for reaching out to us.

Unfortunately, currently, the duration of name/icon date is about 2 seconds.

But we appreciate your suggestion and we'll consider it as the possibility of the further updates.

Our team is always working on improvements and strive to deliver the best quality to our customers. Please follow our Development Roadmap to stay tuned. Although sometimes we face some technical limitations we constantly work on the updates and put maximum efforts polishing core features to deliver the best product quality.  

  If you have any other questions please feel free to drop an email to [email protected]

Any news on that? 1 sec for the icon and name is too little!

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