Dear @virtual,
Thanks for your feedback.
We'll forward it to our Development Team for consideration.
Follow our social networks and newsletter to stay tuned for any updates.
It would be great to have at least an API that enables/disables specific apps from scrolling.
Please check Schedule mode to manage app visibility as you like!
My script looks like below. Of course you will need to change your ip and api key here.
My first script calls the 2nd one with 1 parameter, being the name of the app you want to display;
/icepick/lametric/study/ "Clock"
sleep 15
/icepick/lametric/study/ "Weather"
This is how the switch-app-sub,sh script looks like;
(I am sure there are better ways to program this but it works without a hitch.. it also checks for the screensaver and notifications to make sure they don't get overwritten).
The downside of this is; the buttons on the lametric become useless since the script doesn't keep in mind when they were pushed.
#echo $1
#echo $2
notification=`curl -s -H "Authorization: Basic YOUR_API_KEY" | jq "." | wc -l`
screensaver=`curl -s -H "Authorization: Basic YOUR_API_KEY" | tail -n1 | jq ".screensaver.enabled" `
#echo screensaver $screensaver
#echo notification $notification
if [ $screensaver == "true" ] || [ $notification != "1" ]
echo "screensaver/notification is on"
package=`curl -s -H "Authorization: Basic YOUR_API_KEY" | jq '.[] | select(.title == "'"$1"'")' | jq -r ".package" `
widgets=`curl -s -H "Authorization: Basic YOUR_API_KEY" | jq '.[] | select(.title == "'"$1"'")' | jq -r ".widgets" | head -n2 | tail -n1 | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/:{//g' | tr -d '"' `
echo package: $package
echo widgets: $widgets
curl -s -X PUT -H "Authorization: Basic YOUR_API_KEY"$package/widgets/$widgets/activate
I agree the option is too limited. I ended up just making a script on my raspberry giving me full control on what app to show when.. I just use the api to call apps or rotate between them.
The option they implemented is nice if you just want to show one app.. but in a way I was hoping the schedule option would allow for enable and disabling apps from the auto scroll feature.
They seem to have implemented this feature!
Yes, same here, like Alex!
Same here.. in the morning I would prefer to see more weather info while at night I prefer to see other information..
Exactly the same question for me !
I want to disable specific frames at specific moments.
When I want to send JSON with an empty "frames:[]", it fails because the apps needs the x defined frames.
This topic is also in this theme:
You do some happy people here with this feature !
Jonathan Surpin
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