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Clock App Alarms

Would like to see a more functional alarm clock in the clock app.  Similar to the iPhone would be perfect, however, may be hard to implement.  At a minimum, 7 individual alarms (one for each day of the week) that could be set to be recurring (for example, every Monday, alarm goes off at 6:30am).  Would be similar to the message board app, only with alarms, instead of text.

12 people like this idea

I'm a snoozer and I find the snooze function on the lemetric rather disappointing and implemented poorly. I've found that if my iPhone runs out of battery power, upon recharge and power up, all my previously saved alarms now have the snooze function turned off. More than once, I've had to explain to the boss why I'm late! 

This function needs some serious thought by the developers. C'mon LeMetric, fix this please. The clock app should be the Number One app to get absolutely right on your device, it somehow feels like an after thought.

This is a request since more than two years, don't expect any progress here. They will not implement this, because the don't care. Unfortunately. I found an workaround in the meantime. Use IFTTT to set up alarms, week day or weekend and fire up LaMetric with this.

I found it diasapointed that this Clock doesn't Support configurable alarms for each day. Please add more funktions to the cloxk

Or maybe they don't need to wake up in the morning to go to work. I understand that in this case they don't need such an "complex" functions like an weekday/weekend alarm...

It has become very quiet, I wonder if they're still in business? :/

I wonder if they're still in business? It has become very quiet... :(

Some here waiting two years for this, but it seems nobody at LaMetric is interested in this. Why should an alarm clock have weekday alarms... but hey, it can show you your facebook likes...

Currently, the length of the snooze can not be adjusted

Can the length of the snooze be adjusted? I would check myself but I don't have one yet.

The Snooze option is available, please go to Clock app>Alarm and turn Snooze on. The alarm sound will be repeated in 10 minutes. 

When the alarm has been fired you can snooze it by short clicking on any of the buttons on the top (Left, Right navigation buttons or Action button). 

I would also like to see a snooze option. Tap for Snooze, hold to turn off the alarm.

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