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Pomodoro app settings


I am doing some experimenting with the API to control the Pomodoro timer via Alfred on the mac, I called the endpoint to get the information about the app

curl "" -u 'dev:api_key'

it returns 

  "actions": {
    "pomodoro.pause": {},
    "pomodoro.reset": {},
    "pomodoro.start": {}
  "package": "com.lametric.pomodoro",
  "title": "Pomodoro Timer",
  "triggers": {},
  "vendor": "LaMetric",
  "version": "1.0.2",
  "version_code": "3",
  "widgets": {
    "0a1f3824ad5d436fa7bee2b02397bdc7": {
      "index": 6,
      "package": "com.lametric.pomodoro",
      "settings": {
        "_title": "Pomodoro Timer"

But I can't find anywhere the duration, short break, long break, internal, or show seconds settings are specified. Is there another endpoint I am missing?


Best Answer


Thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately, there is no way to get app settings at this time. It is only possible to interact with app via actions in order to start the timer, pause it or reset it.Please refer to the documentation to learn more at

Let us know if you have any further questions.


LaMetric Support Team


Um, can I ask why you felt the need to reply to an 8-month-old thread giving the same answer also given by support or to tell me what the Pomodoro technique is?

Either way, thanks for the reminder to unsubscribe from the thread



Thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately, there is no way to get app settings at this time. It is only possible to interact with app via actions in order to start the timer, pause it or reset it.Please refer to the documentation to learn more at

Let us know if you have any further questions.


LaMetric Support Team


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