I refuse to believe this, I just got my lametric and now I'm cumming to the realisation that this project is slowing drastically the releases! 9 Months since the last firmware update? Where is the customer support? Are we getting new features? Or is lametric focusing the attention on a new hardware to try to make me spend more money to keep updated?
Please keep us updated on roadmaps and timelines to new features!
Best Answer
LaMetric Support
over 6 years ago
Development Roadmap is constantly updated. We use 3rd party Support Forum solution, unfortunately it doesn't show when this topic was updated. Thanks for pointing this out to us, we'll think on how to improve the way users can track our Roadmap.
Feel free to drop an email to [email protected] in case of any questions.
While the support is definitely lacking and the LaMetric team do enjoy ignoring their user base and pretend some major issues don’t exist, I think you’re being a tad unfair.
There was a firmware update on the 28th of August of this year and you can check the changelog on http://firmware.lametric.com
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Glen M Uren
over 6 years ago
there was a firmware update a few weeks back, far from dead do not know why you would say that.. I have emailed support had help and had not many problems but what i have had they fixed..
Try the app do a firmware check..
over 6 years ago
And release notes? My main concern is lacking of information to the user of ongoing tasks and planned and timelines... note that we are not talking of a 20$ toy, this is a expensive technology, and the customer support should be premium.
Development Roadmap is constantly updated. We use 3rd party Support Forum solution, unfortunately it doesn't show when this topic was updated. Thanks for pointing this out to us, we'll think on how to improve the way users can track our Roadmap.
Feel free to drop an email to [email protected] in case of any questions.
I refuse to believe this, I just got my lametric and now I'm cumming to the realisation that this project is slowing drastically the releases! 9 Months since the last firmware update? Where is the customer support? Are we getting new features? Or is lametric focusing the attention on a new hardware to try to make me spend more money to keep updated?
Please keep us updated on roadmaps and timelines to new features!
Development Roadmap is constantly updated. We use 3rd party Support Forum solution, unfortunately it doesn't show when this topic was updated. Thanks for pointing this out to us, we'll think on how to improve the way users can track our Roadmap.
Feel free to drop an email to [email protected] in case of any questions.
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Glen M Uren
there was a firmware update a few weeks back, far from dead do not know why you would say that.. I have emailed support had help and had not many problems but what i have had they fixed..
Try the app do a firmware check..
And release notes? My main concern is lacking of information to the user of ongoing tasks and planned and timelines... note that we are not talking of a 20$ toy, this is a expensive technology, and the customer support should be premium.
Glen M Uren
Hmm it does give info on the app and on this forum https://help.lametric.com/support/discussions/topics/6000021790
LaMetric Support
Development Roadmap is constantly updated. We use 3rd party Support Forum solution, unfortunately it doesn't show when this topic was updated. Thanks for pointing this out to us, we'll think on how to improve the way users can track our Roadmap.
Feel free to drop an email to [email protected] in case of any questions.
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