I would like to build an app the indicates the weeks and days of the pregnancy of my wife.
As i am a noob i dont know where to start or how to start: Indicator App? Button App? Where or which service (Zapuier, IFTTT, Dropbox...) to use?
Could some one just give me a hint o which direction i should go?
Is there a possibilite to do some calculation in the lametric clock or how can i caluclate the corrrect weeks/days?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
I would like to build an app the indicates the weeks and days of the pregnancy of my wife.
As i am a noob i dont know where to start or how to start: Indicator App? Button App? Where or which service (Zapuier, IFTTT, Dropbox...) to use?
Could some one just give me a hint o which direction i should go?
Is there a possibilite to do some calculation in the lametric clock or how can i caluclate the corrrect weeks/days?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!