Is there any way to change the stock market app icon? The four bars of red, blue, green, and yellow are way too active and ugly. Even if they were slowed down in speed that they move up and down it would be much less distracting and calm.
Best Answer
LaMetric Support
over 8 years ago
@Kevin Thank you for your feedback, currently the app icons cannot be changed. But we'll take your suggestion into consideration when making future updates. Thanks for your time and ideas once more.
1 Comment
LaMetric Support
over 8 years ago
@Kevin Thank you for your feedback, currently the app icons cannot be changed. But we'll take your suggestion into consideration when making future updates. Thanks for your time and ideas once more.
@Kevin Thank you for your feedback, currently the app icons cannot be changed. But we'll take your suggestion into consideration when making future updates. Thanks for your time and ideas once more.
LaMetric Support
@Kevin Thank you for your feedback, currently the app icons cannot be changed. But we'll take your suggestion into consideration when making future updates. Thanks for your time and ideas once more.
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