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WooCommerce Intergration


I'm looking for someone to help we create a Woocommerce app for the laMetric.

I know how it needs to be done but don't have the coding know how to complete this. 

Woocommerce comes with an api which outputs the data in JSON. I just need help creating a script that can pull in this data and then display the data i need. e.g. total monthly sales.

i have tired using this as a base but still haven't managed to work this out.

If your interested please leave details with cost and time.



Best Answer

Hey Richard, we just released WooCommerce app for LaMetric. Available for download in LaMetric Store. Check it out! 


Hey Richard, we just released WooCommerce app for LaMetric. Available for download in LaMetric Store. Check it out! 

Hey, Yes you can drop me an email [email protected] Ideally we just wish to show total monthly sales with a £ symbol. Richard

Hey Richard,

I think we could help you with this.

Can we somehow get in touch to discuss? It's just that we're doing project with woocommerce at the moment, so we can test the script there, I think.

What text & icon you would like to see on the display?



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