Bringing this topic back up, I'd like to see support for an option type where the user can automatically determine their current location, similarly to how the weather app works.
My thought was that it could use the phone's location provider (GPS, wifi, however the user's phone is set up) to get their latitude and longitude and append that to the poll request. Either that, or it could display a map where the user can drop a pin, and the lat / long is obtained from that.
Right now I've just added two number options, lat and long, and would like the user to fill that out, but 1) It's cumbersome and 2) On Android (possibly on iOS) you can't enter more than 3 digits in the box, and no period, so you've got an accuracy 56km in the worst case.
So +1 for having an option type that would let users pick a location from a map or automatically determine their location.
You might be able to resolve the location from the IP on your service. I don't think the device has a GPS reciever.
The phone you use to set up the LaMetric device probably gets the location from its built-in location services, but I doubt the LaMetric cloud service would send that data along as part of the data request for security reasons. Perhaps they'll update their app model in the future to allow apps to request certain permissions (like location). For now you might be able to use the requesting IP against a GeoIP database in your own cloud service. That is assuming that update requests are made by the LaMetric device itself, and not by their cloud service.
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