In some cases you just want to display your data on a LaMetric Time and do it in a very simple way. This app allows you to do that in three steps:
- Expose your data to some URL available from the Internet or in in the same local network with the device in predefined JSON format (more about that below).
- Install My Data DIY app to your LaMetric Time
- Configure the app using the URL from step 1 and choose an update interval.
Data Format
Data the app understands must be in JSON format with the following structure:
{ "frames": [ frame, frame, ...] }
- "frames" is an array of "frame" objects.
- Each frame occupies a whole screen of LaMetric Time device at a single time.
- There are three "frame" types
- simple frame
- goal frame
- spike-chart frame
- Frames get displayed one by one. The time a frame is displayed can be adjusted using "duration" attribute (works only with frames with non scrollable content)
- Number of frames can vary from 1 to 20
Frame Types
Frame has the following structure
{ "icon": "<icon id or base64 encoded data>", "text": "UTF8 encoded text", "duration": <integer, time in miliseconds>, "goalData" : { "start" : <integer, start value>, "current" : <integer, current value>, "end" : <integer, goal value> }, "chartData" : [ <array of integers> ] }
Property | Description |
icon | (optional).
text | Text that will be displayed. If it is too long – it will scroll |
duration | (optional) Specifies how long a "frame" will be displayed on the screen before proceeding to the next one. Works only with frames that do not scroll. |
goalData | (optional) Describes frame with the progress indicator. Useful to visualize some kind of goals. |
chartData | (optional) Describes spike chart. Useful to visualize how data changes over time. Chart will be scaled automatically. |
Simple Frame, No Icon
{ "frames" : [ { "text" : "hello!" } ] }
Simple Frame
{ "frames" : [ { "icon": "794", "text": "Hello!" } ] }
Goal Frame, No Icon
{ "frames" : [ { "goalData": { "start": 0, "current": 6000, "end": 10000, "unit": "MI" } ] }
Goal Frame
{ "frames" : [ { "icon": "22835", "goalData": { "start": 0, "current": 6000, "end": 10000, "unit": "MI" } } ] }
Spike-chart Frame
{ "frames" : [ { "chartData": [1, 10, 15, 20, 6, 9, 11, 16, 22, 24] } ] }
Let's pretend we are developing an app that displays saving for a vacation on a LaMetric Time device. In this case URL must respond with status code 200 and JSON in the following format:
{ "frames": [ { "text": "SAVINGS", "icon": "61" }, { "goalData": { "start": 0, "current": 1500, "end": 2000, "unit": "" }, "icon": "34" }, { "index": 2, "chartData": [ 10, 20, 5, 40, 20, 15, 20 ] } ] }
And this is what we get
If you still have any questions – let us know!