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Problems with API v2 from command line

Now that I got my API key, still having problems, I'm getting a response...

{ "errors" : [ { "message" : "Invalid json" } ] }

Batch file is like...

curl.exe -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic [consisting of dev:+api-key base64 encoded]" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" --data-ascii "@C:\\lametric\test.json" http://[inside IP of my LaMetric]:8080/api/v2/device/notifications

 test.json file is like...

    "priority": "warning",
    "model": {
        "cycles": 1,
        "frames": [
            "icon": "i660",
            "text": "Test"
        "sound": {
            "category": "notifications",
            "id": "cat",
            "repeat": 1


Best Answer

Found it.  I'd forgotten to close the square brackets.


    "priority": "critical",
    "model": {
        "cycles": 1,
        "frames": [
            "text": "HELLO!"
        "sound": {
            "category": "notifications",
            "id": "cat"

 This worked & might give a starting point to work from.

I've been working on this as well.  I've previously had trouble JSON formatting.

JSONLint suggests your JSON is invalid.

I've had success with :

	"priority": "info",
	"icon_type": "none",
	"model": {
		"cycles": 0,
		"frames": [{
			"text": "Hello"

 But I've been unable to get the sound working.


Found it.  I'd forgotten to close the square brackets.


    "priority": "critical",
    "model": {
        "cycles": 1,
        "frames": [
            "text": "HELLO!"
        "sound": {
            "category": "notifications",
            "id": "cat"

 This worked & might give a starting point to work from.


That does work.  Wish the example in the API v2 reference would be as good.

JSON Formatter suggests your JSON is invalid.

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