By creating Indicator App you can track any important figure or information in real-time. 

Go to Create App and:

1. Create user interface. Select between 4 types of frames:

  • Name - use for displaying notifications or messages, for example, to notify your colleagues about the birthday of one of the employees.
  • Metric - use for tracking key performance indicators, increasing or decreasing of figures, you are interested in. For example, use for displaying your profit growth in percentage.
  • Goal - use for displaying an information, that lets you know where you are in reaching your goal. For example, if you are losing weight or collect money for some great purchase, you will always know your current situation.
  • Sparkline - use for displaying trends, for instance, to know how your sales increased during a current year.

2. Select communication type. If you select Poll, LaMetric will update data from the server, if Local Push - LaMetric will update data when your application push it. Works in local network only. You will be able to use the app Privately or make it Shared with a limited number of users.

3. Enter data URL and Poll frequency (if you selected Poll type).

Enter name and description of your app. Enable Private app and it will be displayed only for you, or choose Market Categories if you wish to distribute your app to LaMetric community.